Tuesday 10 February 2015


So another load of my life.....

What can I say today that would be any different from the day before?

I woke up in a good mood, tired as usual but happy.

Then........I had to awaken the teens and this is where it all went pear shaped.

For those of you with lovely chubby babies and slightly stroppy toddlers, this will soon be your life!!

Don't get me wrong I could strangle the lot of them most of the time, but I couldn't be without them. They have good days and bad days......Monday to Friday are bad days and the weekend is normally good!!

Do you see a pattern forming anywhere..?

Basically they are good if they don't have to do anything or be anywhere at a certain time.  They struggle with discipline and time keeping and sleeping at night ( though have expert proficiency at day time sleeping), getting up is also a struggle....Oh speaking so others can understand doesn't come easy either.

I as so many other mums could just go on and on and on!!

We are at the exam stage at the moment and trying to stress how sleep and a good diet might help the situation is just falling on deaf ears.  They know everything and we know nothing!!

I can unfortunately remember these conversations with my own parents.  It did not end well!!

And I like so many parents just want our kids to do well, do better, just do good....

What to do?  They are all different and individual.  They have their own needs and worries (which they normally don't like to share with us) so a universal fix is unavailable.

I would like someone to create a do over button for when you are having a bad day.  Sometimes it's just one sentence that finishes my day!!  To have that button to push and rephrase your words would be great for my house.  I WANT ONE!!

I like many, have a bad habit of saying what I am thinking, normally before I have finished thinking about it properly.  You know when your teens are hopping up and down and you say  " you need to stop acting like a 3 year old" when you know they just want to be grown up.
But again it just slips out and gets an explosive reaction, when at 3 they were still cuddly and adorable the majority of the time.  So why say it?
I find I say things when I am getting frustrated!!

I am not the best parent in the world and would never claim to be, but I try my hardest to get it right.
I am always here for my kids even when I have no idea what they want me to do!!
I just find it is getting harder to cope with the older they are getting....And to be honest sometimes I don't have a clue!!

But I will never give up on them and will always be here to rant, when they get it wrong and encourage any interest they have and hold them when they cry and fall.
To pick them back up and help them to achieve what I know they are all capable of with a little guidance along the way and most of all to be here to love them always and try to understand what ever life has instore for them.

Being a mum is just what I do!!! x x

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