Friday 6 February 2015


Being a mum is one of the hardest things to be.

It doesn't come naturally to most, as it says it does in the books and printed guidelines.

You love your kids as babies, toddlers and right up till they reach adulthood and beyond.  But, and there is a huge but involved.

There will be times when you don't like them at all.  

I have found that as babies my kids were a joy.  Though I am sure I moaned about them wrecking the house and each other on numerous occasions.  But like all mums when they are exhausted and collapse upon you, next to you or around you, you love them even more.
I was a weird mum as I loved my kids to get dirty and just play as I believe kids should, I didn't chase them about wiping their hands and faces.  They had sweets and biscuits and it didn't do them any harm at all.
But getting back to toddlers I struggled........they are so fast!! One minute they are in front of you, the next they are gone.

Most mums will know that you have to have eyes in the back of your head to keep up.

All toddlers should come with a warning sticker, or maybe that was just mine!!

I only remember some of it, but I do remember being exhausted most of the time.

Housework got neglected as i struggled to just keep up with them.  Toilet training was a joy as you can imagine with one crawling to see what had been done by the other.  Or my favourite when my son was learning to wee upright my daughter would slam the seat down on him!! resulting in numerous trips to the doctors...oh what fun!!

I sometimes wonder how any of them survived.  My son would wedge pillows under my daughters walker when she was annoying him so she would stay in one place and leave him alone.
To keep her quiet he would give her things to chew, TV remote, car keys, books, anything he could find.

Still they grew up and somehow they have reached their teens.

What can I say, this stage in their life is becoming the hardest.
From trying to get them to eat a meal, however small, to trying to get them to check in on occasion a midst their hectic social calendars.
(As i am writing this the youngest is on her laptop and the middle child has just come in from his sort of girlfriends and the oldest is at the pub (I know this only because I took them and my husband is doing the picking up)).
Mobile phones I find just mean that I get frustrated when they don't answer or text me back!!
I find that I am continually stressing about one catastrophe after is a blessing to have them.....I have to chant this to myself everyday as my hair goes grey and more worry lines appear on my face.

I love my kids and yes being a Mum is the hardest job in the world, but i wouldn't want to be anything else!!

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