Thursday 9 October 2014

A mothers rant

I am sure I am not the only mother who feels this way.

Every morning in my house is simply a joy.....

I am up at 6.30 to wake them all up as we tried alarm clocks and that doesn't work, so I am the annoying persistent alarm clock in our house.
I wake them up turn the heating up and turn lights on, then downstairs to let the dogs out and put the kettle on.
Then upstairs again to rewake them as they haven't moved....
It's repetitive and Carries on until 7 when they finally get up for a shower.  Then I am banging on the door as they think a shower needs to be 20 mins plus ( I actually think they go back to sleep in there).

It's the same everyday of the week.  It's no fun and normally ends in a row each day.  

It doesn't matter if I have a headache or I feel under the weather, I am up.

Unfortunately I have three children that are definitely not morning people.  They are grumpy and argumentative with each other and myself.  

Very rarely do we have what I call a good morning.  I struggle to get them to eat breakfast as they know better than we do.  They don't have time as they move as slowly as they can in pure protest for being made to be up.

Mornings are quite stressful as you can imagine and nearly as bad as bedtimes, which is a whole other nightmare!!  

We have tried early nights, removing phones and laptops, eating earlier in the evening.  Nothing seems to help with the mood in the mornings.  Is it just teenagers?  Mine are 13, 15, and 19 ( at college).

Any suggestions gladly received as I do feel like I am going crazy at the moment..........feel stressed out till about lunchtime.

I love my kids so much but they drive me mental with their attitude towards me for making them go to school.